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Auction #2407: WORLDWIDE + ARGENTINA: Special March auction
Lot / Used or Unused     Cat.#:
Ave-Fine     HUGE STOCK of used or mint stamps (many without gum), with thousands and thousands of examples, completely unchecked. The quality is mixed, with some stamps with defects and others of fine quality. Huge potential, it possibly contains varieties, scarce cancels, etc., good opportunity at LOW START! IMPORTANT: please view ALL the photos of the lot, because all the pages of the stockbook have been scanned. Heavy lot, shipping costs worldwide from Argentina will be approximately US$75, please take this into account before placing your bid. We can also mail the stamps alone, organized in glassine envelopes (one per page), with shipping costs of approx. US$20.
Starting Price: US$ 250       Current Price: US$ 250
Bid US$ 250 or more     Closing: 2024-03-07 22:15:00
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