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Auction #2407: WORLDWIDE + ARGENTINA: Special March auction
Lot / Mint NH (Virgin Gum)     Cat.#:     Cat.Value: Euros 5.400+
F.VF     TOPIC EUROPA: Collection on large stockbook, very complete up to 1992, including almost all the rare and scarce issues, almost all MNH and of fine to very fine quality (few with minor defects on gum, mainly stain spots, I estimate that about 10 to 20% are affected after revising some random examples). An excellent opportunity to start collecting this topic or for retail resale with important profits, Yvert catalog value Euros 5,400+ (approx. US$6,200), very low start!
Starting Price: US$ 750       Current Price: US$ 750
Bid US$ 750 or more     Closing: 2024-03-07 22:15:00
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