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Auction #2345: ARGENTINA: Special auction of late November
Cover /      Cat.#:
VF.     12/AU/1863 Buenos Aires - BELGIUM: Folded cover sent via French mail, with "10" mark (postage due handstamp, 1Fr., single rate) and octagonal "CONF. ARGENTINE - SAINTONGE" of the ship that carried it to Rio de Janeiro, and from there taken to Bordeaux where it received the red "BRESIL - BORDEAUX - 19/SEP/63" mark, on back French-Belgian exchange marking and arrival. It was sent collect, VF quality, unusual destination for letters from Buenos Aires via French mail!
Starting Price: US$ 75       Current Price: US$ 127
Bid US$ 140 or more     Closing: 2023-11-30 22:20:00
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