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Auction #2145: ARGENTINA: Special December auction
Lot / Used or Unused     Cat.#:
F.VF     Large box with SEVERAL DOZENS OF THOUSANDS of old used or mint stamps (the amount is just an estimate, I do not guarantee it, I just want to express that the number of stamps is unusually large!), singles, pairs, blocks of 4, in general of very fine quality. Completely unchecked, wide range of sets and values mainly national and of the provinces of Buenos Aires, Santa Fe and Córdoba, with a lot of scarce material. Beyond doubt it is a great opportunity for the specialist, very low start! Es sin lugar a duda una oportunidad única para que el especialista revise con dedicación (harán falta varias semanas sino meses!), muy baja base!!
Starting Price: US$ 250       Current Price: US$ 250
Bid US$ 250 or more     Closing: 2021-12-02 22:00:00
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