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Auction #1937: WORLDWIDE + ARGENTINA: special September auction
Cover /      Cat.#:
F.VF     FREE FRANK OF ISMAIL PASHA: 2 Long entire letters sent on 21/MAY and 12/JUL/1861 by the Khedive Ismail Pasha to a German engineer called Simon Katzeinstein, who had been hired by the Sultan to oversee the construction works of a power plant and a lighthouse in Rhodes, the first letter with free frank mark on front, the other one without marks. We also include the original contract between Prince Ismail and Mr. Katzenstein dated 15/AU/1860, signed and with royal handstamp, extremely rare documents with philatelic and historic value!
Starting Price: US$ 1500       Current Price: US$ 1500
Bid US$ 1500 or more     Closing: 2019-09-26 22:05:00
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