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Auction #1928: WORLDWIDE + ARGENTINA: General Winter auction
Cover /      Cat.#:
Ave-Fine     ROUTE AROUND EUROPE: Cover sent on 1/JA/1905 from Montevideo to Argentine consuls in various countries in Europe with instructions to forward the cover according to an attached list (included) with the corresponding postage. The cover then was forwarded to: France, Belgium, Netherlands, England, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Russia, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, and then back to Montevideo (Uruguay). With stamps of all the countries that it was sent to and a large number of postmarks, postal markings, and some labels or registration marks, with some defects natural in pieces that have travelled such distances, spectacular! We include the original letter with the instructions of the sender and signed by most consults, for example: Alvear, García Uriburu, A.Castellanos, etc.
Starting Price: US$ 250       Current Price: US$ 250
Bid US$ 275 or more     Closing: 2019-07-25 22:05:00
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