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Auction #1928: WORLDWIDE + ARGENTINA: General Winter auction
Cover /      Cat.#:
VF.     12/OC/1842 Salta - Uruguay, RARE ROUTING for an entire letter with interesting text of a mother to her sun after being widowed, without postage or postal markings. On back it bears a manuscript inscription: "Esta carta ha sido conducida hasta Valparaíso por Tomas Arias que la dirige a su amigo y paisano Zamudio", and inside there is a note written by the addressee: "Hoy a las 10 de la noche recibí esta, Montevideo Enero 1843", and below: "Contestada el 28 de Enero por un buque mercante que salió el 30 para Valparaíso y la lleva recomendada el joven francés Don Gustavo Gorniyú". It shows a very alternative route to the usual postal routes, possibly due to the political and military events at the time, very attractive!
Starting Price: US$ 50       Current Price: US$ 50
Bid US$ 50 or more     Closing: 2019-07-25 22:05:00
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