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Auction #1923: ARGENTINA: Selection of good lots, rarities and "special material"
Lot /      Cat.#:
F.VF     MAIL ARCHIVE: Family and commercial archive, with 200+ letters and documents, most dated in 1860s (up to circa 1874), including many letters with long texts and very interesting and historical contents that describe the political, environmental, commercial situation of the period. There are many signatures and important names mainly of the provinces of Córdoba and Santa Fe, for example: C. Ferreyra (of Rio Cuarto), Cecilio Echevarria, JOSÉ DE LA QUINTANA, JUSTINIANO POSSE, Sandalio Echevarría, Ignacio Velez, Saturnino Funes, Luis Velez, Roque Ferreyra, A. Quintana, M. Alcorta, Pedro Lavaysse, Angel Carranza, Felix Redonnet, Ambrosio Olmos, Felix de la Peña, Alejandro Montes, José Manuel Arredondo, C. Bouquet, Emiliano Carmona, Rufino Voctorica, Lino Verde, and many more. The letters and documents have varied origins: Córdoba, Río Cuarto, Cañada de Alvarez, Rosario, Mercedes and Buenos Aires. Many of the letters have long considerations about the political situation of the country and the Province of Córdoba, political alliances, military problems and topics of great historical relevance. Lot with great potential, very attractive and of very fine general quality, GOOD OPPORTUNITY AT LOW START!!
Starting Price: US$ 900       Current Price: US$ 900
Bid US$ 900 or more     Closing: 2019-06-25 22:05:00
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