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Today is July 27th Hour 00:45:11 - Argentina Local Time (UTC-03:00)

Auction #2428: ARGENTINA: Special August auction
Total lots: 274     Dealer: Jalil Stamps
Spectacular selection of rare and scarce material from all periods, including classics, postal history, varieties, proofs and essays, and much more. All of excellent quality and with very tempting prices!!
Closing: 2024-08-01 22:00:00 Argentina Local Time (UTC-03:00)

Auction #2429: ARGENTINA: Special August auction - part II
Total lots: 232     Dealer: Jalil Stamps
Splendid selection of good material of Argentina of all periods, including several great rarities and some finds never before offered, from classics to modern material, with varieties, errors, proofs and essays, postal history and much more!
Closing: 2024-08-08 22:00:00 Argentina Local Time (UTC-03:00)

Auction #2432: WORLDWIDE + ARGENTINA: Special August auction
Total lots: 2709     Dealer: Jalil Stamps
Outstanding sale of several thousand lots from virtually all around the world, with material from classic to modern, proofs and essays, errors and varieties, postal history, postal stationery, postcards, revenue stamps, cinderellas, lots and collections, and much more, all with very attractive starts, including rarities, new finds and many nice surprises. Plenty of interesting items to be found!!
Closing: 2024-08-29 22:00:00 Argentina Local Time (UTC-03:00)

Total: 3 auctions
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