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Auction #2506: WORLDWIDE + ARGENTINA: Special auction Punta del Este Exposition
Cover /      Cat.#:
VF.     RARE FRANKING WITH TWIN VALUES, originating in Germany, endorsed to Anvers and carried to Argentina by Belgian paquebot: Entire letter datelined "NÜRNBERG 27/SE/1870" to Buenos Aires endorsed "Par voie d´Anvers", sent to Anvers (see part of blue mark on back), by "..ROY & Co - (AN)VERS", where it was franked with 80c. using 2 stamps of 40c. from different issues (1867 40c. rose Leopold I + 1869/70 40c. rose Leopold II) with "12" numeral cancel along datestamp of Anvers 30/SE, also "P.P.", with the rare mark "CONFon ARGne - PAQ. BELGE" applied on back on 1/OC, in general of very fine quality, extremely rare combination of origin, endorsement, rare postage and carried by Belgian paquebot co. (few covers sent to Argentina are known), unique and unrepeatable!
Starting Price: US$ 2000       Current Price: US$ 4950
Bid US$ 5445 or more     Closing: 2025-02-27 22:00:00
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