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Auction #2506: WORLDWIDE + ARGENTINA: Special auction Punta del Este Exposition
/      Cat.#:
VF.     Fantastic book on PEN CANCELS ON STAMPS OF THE PROVINCE OF CORRIENTES: DICK, Enrique: "Las plumas de Corrientes", study of the pen cancels of this province, its historial background and much more information! Important study of the different and varied pen cancels on Corrientes stamps, with their particular features, and inks applied at each post office. Using his own classification, the author seeks to unpack the characteristic strokes of each town of the province, between the years 1856 and 1880. Very small printing! Heavy lot, shipping costs worldwide from Argentina will be approximately US$50, please take this into account before placing your bid.
Starting Price: US$ 45       Current Price: US$ 45
Bid US$ 50 or more     Closing: 2025-02-27 22:00:00
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