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Auction #2317: WORLDWIDE + ARGENTINA: Special May auction
Cover /      Cat.#:
F.VF     MAIL ARCHIVE of letters between Mrs Emma S. Beutelspacher and her husband Enrst in Buenos Aires (owner of Librería Alemana), from 7/MAR/1914 (traveling from Buenos Aires to Germany on ship COBURG) to 17/JUL/1914 (sailing back to Buenos Aires on steamer GOTHA). In total there are 44 letters with their original content of long letters of many pages each (and some including several photographs) or postcards, and 5 telegrams, most of very fine quality (a few with defects), very interesting lot because the texts describe the problems experienced during the trip, their family business in Germany, and much more. 7 Covers or cards were dispatched at sea onboard the ships and were cancelled SEEPOST, 1 cover also bears on back a rare cinderella of the ship line promoting the ship Sierra Cordoba. Unique archive, complete and unrepeatable, that promises much excitement for the collector that studies it in detail, and many hours of fun, it may also be a great source of inspiration for the novelist or screen writer!
Starting Price: US$ 250       Current Price: US$ 250
Bid US$ 250 or more     Closing: 2023-05-11 22:25:00
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